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Showing posts from February, 2012

Load the session statistics such as Session Start & End Time, Success Rows, Failed Rows and Rejected Rows etc. into a database table for audit/log purpose.

                                                                                                                                                                       Scenario: Load the session statistics such as Session Start & End Time, Success Rows, Failed Rows and Rejected Rows etc. into a database table for audit/log purpose. Solution: After performing the below solution steps your end workflow will look as follows: START => SESSION1 => ASSIGNMENT TASK => SESSION2 SOLUTION STEPS SESSION1 This session is used to achieve your actual business logic. Meaning this session will perform your actual data load. It can be anything File Table. à File or Table à Table, File à WORKFLOW VARIABLES Create the following workflow variables. => $$Workflowname => $$SessionStartTime => $$SessionEndTime => $$TargetSuccessrows => $$TargetFailedRows ASSIGNMENT TASK Use the Expression tab in the Assignment Task and assign as follo